Ben Bierman

I am extremely excited about the recent release of my new book, Listening To Jazz, published by Oxford University Press. I’ve been working on this book for a number of years, and I’m extremely proud of it. I’m happy to say that I’m getting great reaction to the book as well.

My goal was to use my experiences from a long career in music as a trumpet player, composer-arranger, and bandleader to communicate who musicians are and how and why we do what we do. My hope was to humanize musicians and to help students gain listening skills, all as a way into the music. We know jazz is a vibrant, exciting, and ever-changing music, and I have tried to communicate that to those who aren’t familiar with jazz while also giving a comprehensive history of the music.

It was important to me to be inclusive, including discussing women in jazz and the importance of Latin music and Latin musicians throughout. I also have the most comprehensive chapter on contemporary jazz, as well as the most coverage of post-1970s jazz. The book is organized in an instructor friendly manner, allowing each instructor to easily pick and choose which musicians they would like to cover, each topic being in a discrete “Chorus,” while also still being in the context of its chapter.

If you teach a class such as jazz appreciation or jazz history, please consider requesting a desk copy. If you have questions or comments please feel free to get in touch with me. I’d love to hear your thoughts and answer questions about the book, as well as discuss ways to use the book in class.

Listen to Jazz!